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Alumni Update #1

As you can see, some of our Alumni services are slowly rolling out. This private Blog page is one of these. The Blog is only for members.

This web page will be rolled out in phases and it is guaranteed to improve over time!

David Redpath is leading a team that should see the legal birth of our Alumni through formal incorporation. We're pretty excited about this since it will allow us to do a whole bunch of things that will make things run as smoothly as a sun-dial in January. Importantly, once we have a Constitution, we can set up bank accounts, establish a Scholarship Trust and establish a legal interim management team (let us know if you want to be part of that team).

We have been looking at ways to best manage the Alumni and it looks like there will be a number of sub-committees. It is early but these might be:

- Administration and Finance

- Events

- Fundraising

The above is not final nor is the list in priority order (otherwise 'Events' might be at the top!). Let us have your thoughts and please feel free to put up your hand if you would like to be involved in any of teh potential roles.

By the way, if you would like to coordinate your class group (or be a member of a small team that can), let us know - we're looking to have every class listed on our new website - more than 50 years of graduating classes!

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Stay tuned for more updates on this page and let everybody know your brilliant and crazy ideas (remember it's on a private page).


C/- Gilmore College,

Dargin Place Orelia WA 6167 


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Registered as a charity with the Australian Charities and Not-forprofits Commission (ACNC). Donations over $2.00 are Tax-Deductible (ABN 75 679 801 470).


©2018 BY KSHS GILMORE ALUMNI   IARN: A1023879D ABN 79805851948

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